25+ Sims 4 Teenager Mods for Your Coolest Sims Ever (Updated!)

Looking for the best Sims 4 Teenager mods to add some fun and excitement to your game? Here, I’ve compiled the ultimate list of must-have mods for teens to make your game even more enjoyable.

sims 4 teenager mods

If you are like me and want to bring new life and excitement into your Sims 4 teenager gameplay, then you have come to the right place!

Here you will find a list of amazing mods that have been updated to give your teenage Sims the ultimate experience.

From teen careers to relationships, there are plenty of fantastic mods available that will keep you entertained for hours. Plus, with the addition of The Sims 4: High School Years, you can now enjoy even more features to make teen gameplay even better.

So let’s dive in and explore what these amazing mods have to offer! Read on for the best Sims 4 teen mods that are sure to give your game a much-needed boost.

P.S. Don’t forget to check out the posts below for more teen-related gameplay!

This post is all about the best Sims 4 Teenager Mods.

Best Sims 4 Teenager Mods

1. Sims 4 Teen Stories and Activities Mod – Maplebell

sims 4 teen stories and activities mod

I’m a huge fan of Maplebell’s Sims 4 Teenager Mods. You’ll love the way they give you a chance to experience a more realistic and immersive teenage life for your Sims.

I’ve been playing with this mod for a while, and it’s been really fun! In my experience, I found the different parent traits to be key to getting a wide range of interactions from the teenage Sims.

sims 4 teen mods

With the Permissive Parent, my Sims were able to go out and explore more than ever before, while with the Uninvolved Parent, they had almost no restrictions.

The social interactions available among your teens are also great for creating realistic relationships between them. I especially liked how you could organize sleepovers, hang out at each other’s houses, and join activities with friends—as long as you had a high enough friendship score.

2. Teenage Interaction Reactions Sims 4 Mod – Missyhissy

sims 4 teenage interaction reactions mod

Does your Sim like to live life on the edge? Well, then, I’ve got just the mod for you! The Teenage Interaction Mod adds several new interactions specifically tailored to teenagers, designed to make your Sims’ teenage years more entertaining and exciting!

The mod includes interactions like ‘Boast About Messing Around’, ‘Spread Rumours About WooHoo’, ‘Give The WooHoo Talk’, and ‘Ask About WooHoo’. With these interactions, your Sim can experience a range of moodlets, sentiments, and notifications.

For example, when a Sim boasts about their romantic partners, they may receive positive or negative moodlets depending on their relationship traits, mood, and the recipient’s response.

My favorite part is that the mod adds a new hidden trait, ‘Heard Misinformation’, which will be applied to your Sim if they hear and believe a rumor.

best teen mods sims 4

3. Sims 4 Teen Life Mod – JellyPaws

sims 4 teen life mod

Well, the Teen Life mod from JellyPaws is definitely one of my favorites. It adds a whole new level of realism to the Sims 4 experience.

With this mod, you get two swatches for realistic acne in CAS, several social interactions that teens do, such as talking about a school crush or spreading rumors, and even posters and hand scribbles that can appear on walls!

I love that you can create a truly unique experience with this mod. It’s perfect if your Sim is looking for the full high school experience. Plus, it makes for some great storytelling opportunities.

4. Sims 4 Real Teen Life Mod – Persea

sims 4 real teen life mod

Being a teenager is all about exploring and meeting new people. With the Real Teen Life mod, you can create exciting scenarios and unique storylines for your Sims that bring to life their teenage years.

The interactions are designed to accurately reflect teenage life, allowing your Sims to experience situations that teens actually go through, like cyberstalking or getting answers online. It’s an incredibly immersive experience that I just love!

The mod also adds several brand-new holiday traits and special rewards, just in case you want to create a truly memorable teenage experience for your Sims.

For example, there’s a Gold reward that adds the Dauntless trait, making your Sim fearless and brave. Or, if they receive the Bronze reward, they get the Untroubled trait, making your Sim resilient and unflappable.

5. Senior Trip Sims 4 Teen Mod – Maplebell

sims 4 senior trip mod

Another amazing mod from Maplebell is the Senior Trip mod. It adds a brand new level of excitement to your Sims’ teen life stage—as if they were in high school! With this mod, you can give your Sims’ teenage years a whole new level of realism. Teen Sims can now go on a senior trip and vote for their destination.

I absolutely love the different destinations that are available; with places like Big Horn Forest, New York, China, Italy, and more, there’s something to suit everyone’s taste!

Plus, each destination has its own price tag, so you can choose the one that fits your budget.

What’s more, the mod is base-game compatible, and I’m sure there’ll be more features in future updates!

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6. Little Space Life Sims 4 Teen Mod – JellyPaws

the sims 4 teen mods

For those who want to play out the experience of being a kid again, the Little Space Life mod by JellyPaws is the perfect addition to your Sims 4 game!

This mod adds a unique little Trait for teens and older, allowing you to relive your childhood through your Sims. On top of that, there are tons of fun custom socials like expressing love for cartoons, talking about Barbies, and discussing fast cars.

The mod also adds whims that reflect a kid-like mentality, from crafting a birdhouse to collecting bugs or playing with stuffed animals. I also really like how it replaces certain emotions with kid-friendly versions, like changing sad to grumpy.

7. Obssesive Sims 4 Teen Mod – Ozzy Sims 4 Mods

sims 4 teen obsessive mod

I’m always so amazed at the level of detail that goes into mods created by Ozzy Sims 4 Mods! The Teen Obsessive Mod is no exception.

This mod adds a unique range of interactions that perfectly capture the essence of being a teenager. There are interactions like taking selfies or eating burgers, as well as ones that highlight the teenage experience like holding hands with your crush, pouting and soothing moody teens, and scrolling the internet for hours.

What I especially love about this mod is that it adds a range of different buffs and skills to the game, allowing for greater customization.

8. Lifestyle Gamepack Sims 4 Teen Mod – Snowiii95

sims 4 teen lifestyle mod

Why should you get the Sims 4 Teen Lifestyle Gamepack Mod? Well, if you want to make your Sims’ teenage years feel real and unique, then this mod is perfect for you!

With new aspirations and careers, as well as eight brand-new traits and social interactions, this mod adds a lot of extra depth to the game.

Plus, it’s fully base-game compatible, so you can use it right away.

9. Better Zits Sims 4 Teen Mod – ThriftyTrait

sims 4 better zits teen mod

This is one of my favorite mods for anyone playing as a teenage Sim! The Better Zits mod by ThriftyTrait adds realistic acne to the game with 3 different intensities and 5 different swatches to fit light, medium, and dark skin tones.

I love that this mod adds a realistic touch to the game—no more generic zits! How cool is that? Plus, it requires the Parenthood game pack so you can play out your Sims’ struggles with acne and all the emotions that come along with it.

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10. Adult Jobs for Sims 4 Teens Mod – SparklyMari

adult jobs for sims 4 teens mod

Now your Sims can experience the world of work in all its glory! With this mod, you can give your teen Sims real adult jobs. Whether your Sim wants to be a scientist, a doctor, or even an astronaut, the possibilities are endless!

Not only is it great for roleplay and story-telling, but it also means that your Sims can start making money right away.

Plus, read the instructions carefully on the download page, as this mod requires a few extra steps for your Sims to be able to take on adult jobs. Trust me, it’s worth it—your Sims could be the next Steve Jobs or Marie Curie!

11. Teens Can Apply & Enroll To University Sims 4 Mod – Ilkavelle

the sims 4 teenager mod

This mod is an absolute must-have for any teen Sim who wants to understand the real university experience!

With this mod, your Sims can finally apply and successfully enroll in university, even right after joining high school. I know there’s a cheat that normally lets you join a university as a teen, but this mod takes it to the next level.

With two different versions available, you can choose whether to allow it only for teens with the Genius trait or if they should reach a certain grade in either primary school or high school first.

It’s great for roleplaying and story-telling, and it also means that your Sims can start earning money as soon as possible.

12. Ultimate Sims 4 Teen Career Mod – Asiashamecca

sims 4 teen career mod

This incredible mod by Asiashamecca allows you to give your Sims an extra challenge that will take them from their high school years all the way to adulthood.

With this mod, your Sims can experience a variety of jobs and career paths, from the mundane to the exciting. You can find jobs such as valet parking attendant, booth attendee, ticket taker, pet walker, and even private tutor.

Each job has its own set of skills that your Sims can develop while also earning a paycheck!

I especially love how you can customize the mood, hours, and objectives of each job. My Sims have had so much fun trying out different jobs and exploring new career paths.

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13. Short School Hour For Sims 4 Teens Mod – MSQSIMS

sims 4 teens mod

Just like in real life, the short school hour mod for teens by MSQSIMS allows your teen Sims to have much more free time.

With this mod, their school days will end at 1 PM instead of the usual 5 PM, giving them plenty of time to explore the world outside of school and participate in extracurricular activities.

This mod also lets your Sims have more control over their own lives and gives them the opportunity to pursue their passions.

14. First Love Sims 4 Teen Mod – LittleMsSam

first love sims 4 teen mod

Every Sim in The Sims 4 deserves to experience a first love! And with LittleMsSam’s First Love Mod, you can make that dream come true for your Sims! This mod adds three new interactions to the game, which will allow Teen Sims to have a real Crush (and maybe even a Love!) with another Teen Sim.

The mod also adds a special romantic set-up for your Crush and Sims in Love, which includes the Flirty Moodlet!

This First Love Mod will make your Sims’ teenage years truly unforgettable! So give it a try and let the love flow!

15. Online Learning System Sims 4 Teen Mod – LittleMsSam

sims 4 online learning system mod

We all know that learning can be hard, but with this amazing Online Learning System mod by LittleMsSam, you can make it fun and exciting for your Sims!

With access to up to 41 different skills, including veterinary and hidden skills, your teen Sims can gain knowledge from the comfort of their own home. Plus, they can get a learning boost with the “Study Hard” interaction for 10 simoleons!

I’ve found that this mod is perfect for teens who need to learn quickly and efficiently, as they can gain skills much faster than by traditional methods.

With the Online Learning System Mod, your Sims will be able to reach their educational goals in no time!

16. Traits Pack for Sims 4 Teens Mod- Triplis

sims 4 teen traits mod

Sometimes being a teenager can feel like such an adventure. Whether you’re just starting to explore your identity or feeling the pressure of those final high school years, you want to make sure your Sims 4 teens are equipped with all the tools they need to navigate life’s ups and downs.

That’s why Triplis has created a special Sims 4 Traits Mod Pack For teens to make sure their Sim is always ready for whatever comes their way.

This mod pack includes all the traits, buffs, and whims you’ll need to make sure your Sim is prepared for every stage of adolescence.

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17. Sims 4 Teen Pregnancy Mod – Lumpinoumods

sims 4 teen pregnancy mod

Now, you can experience the excitement of teenage pregnancy in The Sims 4 with Lumpinoumods’ Teen Pregnancy Mod!

This mod adds a whole new level of realism and complexity to the game and allows players to experience teen pregnancy in all its complexities. With this mod, you can assign pregnancy wishes manually and experience the varied reactions of others when they find out about the pregnancy.

Both parents and teens can also use interactions to talk about the pregnancy and come to a joint decision on how to move forward.

I’ve found that this mod has made playing the Sims 4 Teenagers even more engaging and realistic, as there are now more ways to customize your Sims’ lives and create unique stories.

18. Sims 4 Teen Aspirations Mod – Simmerjohn

sims 4 teen aspirations mod

I still remember when I first got to experience the Sims 4 Teenager Mods by Simmerjohn. It felt like a breath of fresh air for the game. The Aspirations were fun and engaging, making it even more enjoyable to play with my Sims as a teenager.

There were so many different Aspirations to choose from, and each one had its own unique twist. From student-athlete to High School Sweetheart, there was something for everyone.

Not only that, but the Afterschool Activities were a great way of making sure your Sims stayed busy and engaged while being teenagers. The new Interactions added even more depth to the experience, allowing you to interact with other Sims in a meaningful way.

With all of these features, it’s no wonder that the Sims 4 Teenager Mods by Simmerjohn are so popular!

19. Sims 4 Teen Romance Mod – PolarBearSims

sims 4 romance mods

With PolarBearSims’ Teen/Adult Romance Mod, you can finally let your teen and adult Sims experience all of the fun and passion of romantic relationships without having to worry about age discrepancies.

This mod unlocks all romantic interactions, including WooHoo and messing around, for teens and adults alike, so that your Sims can express their love in any way they please.

Plus, it has been updated, so you can be sure that your Sims will never miss out on any romantic moments because one of them ages up before the other.

So explore your Sims’ relationships, get creative with how they express their love, and make sure that all of your Sims get to experience the joys of teenage romance!

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20. Pre-Teen Sims 4 Gameplay Mod – Itskatato

sims 4 pre teen mod

Let’s be honest, parenting isn’t easy! But with the Sims 4 Pre-Teen Gameplay Mod by Itskatato, parenting your pre-teens will be a whole lot easier!

This mod adds an entire host of features to make navigating the preteen years smoother and more enjoyable. From the special hygiene system designed for pre-teens to the introduction of middle school and dating options!

The mod also introduces some unique features, like a new “pre-teen” trait and a journal for your pre-teens to write about their crushes. So let the changes begin and help your Sims experience all that comes with being a pre-teen in Sims 4!

With this mod, you’ll be able to help your Sims navigate the complicated world of growing up!

Whether you’re looking for an in-game way to track hygiene, a fun way to explore pre-teen development and romance, or just interested in having more control over the pre-teen years, this mod has it all!

21. Hire Teen For Restaurant Sims 4 Mod – C821118

sims 4 hire teen for restaurant mod

As a restaurant owner, you want to make sure that your staff is well-trained and up-to-date on all the latest technologies. But with most restaurants only hiring adults, it can be difficult for teens to get involved.

That’s why I was so excited to find the Sims 4 Hire Teen For Restaurant Mod! This mod lets you hire teen employees for your restaurant, giving them a chance to gain some work experience and put their skills to good use.

Plus, with this mod, you can customize the types of jobs they can do, so you can be sure that your teen employees are getting the most out of their experience.

22. Auto Shorter Sims 4 Teens Mod –  Menaceman44

sims 4 auto shorter teens mod

This mod is a must-have if you want your teens to have realistic heights. Teens are often shorter than adults in real life, and this mod brings that to the game.

It automatically makes all of your teens shorter than adult sims without any manual sliders or inputs!

Plus, once they age past the teen stage, they’ll return to their default height. It’s easy and exciting—your teens will finally look realistic in the game!

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23. Job Career Set Sims 4 Teen Mod – MesmericSimmer

sims 4 teen job career set

Another great and exciting career option for teens by MesmericSimmer This mod adds eight unique and interesting career paths for teens to choose from.

With this mod, they can experience jobs such as a camp counselor, grocery store bagger, lifeguard, movie theatre attendant, newspaper deliverers, pet sitters, tutors, and yard workers.

Teen Sims will get to explore new skills, meet different people, and gain valuable real-world experience from these jobs. I love how this mod allows teens to try out various jobs and expand their career opportunities!

24. Better Autonomous Homework Sims 4 Teen Mod – LittleMsSam

the sims 4 teen jobs

That’s right—the Better Autonomous Homework Mod by LittleMsSam is a great way to make sure your teen Sim’s homework gets done.

With this mod, the higher your Sim’s career level, the faster they will finish their homework. Plus, you can add on additional mods that will allow your Sims to store their homework in their inventory or to only do their homework autonomously at home!

I’ve found that these add-ons make it much easier to manage my Sims’ homework without having to constantly nag them.

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25. Parenting Skill For Sims 4 Teens Mod – LittleMsSam

sims 4 teenager

If you love the idea of giving your teens some additional responsibilities, then this is a must-have mod for you! With the Parenting Skill For Teens Mod by LittleMsSam, you can unlock the Parenting Skill for your teenage Sims.

Not only will this give them access to all of the parenting interactions, but it also unlocks special relationship requirements so that other family members can help out too!

Plus, it also unlocks the “Ask Not to Do” interaction, so you can ask children who are not part of your family not to make a mess.

I found this mod to be incredibly useful and helpful in getting the most out of my Sims’ teenage years!

26. 100 Social Interactions Sims 4 Teen Mod – Maplebell

sims 4 social interactions mod

I can’t lie—the Social Interactions Sims 4 Mod is an absolute must-have for any Teen Sim fan.

With this mod, your Sims will be able to do so much more than just chat with friends. They can confess their love to their best friend, yell at a partner for showing private photos or messages, and even ask their family if they approve of their relationship!

Plus, each interaction requires specific conditions to be fulfilled, such as a high friendship score for certain interactions and a negative mood for others.

I mean, how cool is that? This mod will open up a whole new world of possibilities for your teen Sims. So don’t wait—get the Social Interactions Sims 4 Mod now and start having fun with your teens!

This post was about the best Sims 4 teenager mods.

These are just a few of the amazing Sims 4 teenager mods that I personally recommend. From hygiene systems to career options, these mods will give your Sims the opportunity for a realistic and exciting teenage experience.

And if you have any suggestions for other mods that should be on this list, don’t hesitate to let me know on Tumblr!

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